What is a Fraction? PD

Fractions are historically and notoriously challenging for students and teachers. This PD gives teachers the time and space to process the meaning behind what is a fraction. In four 60-90 minute tasks, teachers explore fractions through well-developed tasks designed to illuminate confusions and assumptions about fractions.

Included here are the facilitation guides for the What is a Fraction? PD.

Materials provided are very helpful, and having the experience of participant will support facilitation.
— Facilitator
The time to think to self, the small group share, and the large group share was appreciated and gave the learner time to process and make connections.
— Participant

Contact us. We facilitate.

The facilitation guides are written so you can facilitate immediately. If you’re interested in having us facilitate first, we are more than happy to do so. Please contact us if you’d like more information.